The body produces it own Co-Q10. Studies show that the level of Co-Q10 in the skin begins to decline at the age of 20 years and, by the age of 40 years, the body’s Co-Q10 level is reported to have been reduced by at least 25 %.
Injuries to the skin by ultraviolet radiation, (sunlight), can result in damage to the skin cells. Irritant responses induce inflammation, and free-radical reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed.
Co-Q10 is an anti-oxidant, preventing free-radical damage to lipid membranes and suppressing inflammation after exposure to injury.
Anti-Oxidants mop up potentially harmful molecules as soon as they are formed to reduce the risk of irreversible cellular damage.
In vitro findings suggested that Co-Q10 has a protective role in the skin, preventing harmful changes arising from exposure to Ultraviolet A light.
A high level of photons indicates low endogenous levels of anti-oxidants. The application of 0.3% Co-Q10 twice daily for 7 days to the volar forearm of 13 subjects (mean age 49 years) produced a measurable decrease in the number of photons detected in the skin following Ultraviolet A radiation compared with vehicle controls.
Reduction in the depth of eye-fold wrinkles were estimated by the mean peak to the valley measurement of a defined unit distance in skin replicas (Rt) which was determined by quantitative micro-topography.
Results : 0.3% Co-Q10 daily for 6 months = Rt 120 reduced to Rt 93.
(Clinical Update Retinoids)
Co Q10 has at least two important roles in the body. First it is one of the essential cogs in the biochemical machinery that produces biological energy (ATP) inside the cells. Second, Co Q10 is an anti-oxidant. It helps neutralize harmful free radicals, which are one of the causes of ageing.
Most encouraging was a study by German researchers who reported that long-term use of Co-Q10 reduced crows feet, (wrinkles around the eyes).
(Dr G Todorov, Smart Skin)
Young individuals displaying normal Q10 values may benefit since spontaneously occurring external oxidative stress can be neutralized quickly.
In the mature population already decreased Q10 levels will be replenished.
People of all ages can benefit from regular treatment with Q10-containing formulas to cope more effectively with short-term insults inflicted by UV irradiation and stress to foster long-term anti-ageing effects for their skin.
Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most accurate biomarkers of ageing, since its decline correlates with the ageing process.
(Biofactors, Beiersdorf, Research & Development)
In Addition:
(Aerospace Science & Technology)